SugarDaddyMeet Review: Is It Legit and Worth Trying?

In today’s digital age, online dating has become increasingly popular, especially for those seeking mutually beneficial arrangements. Sugar daddy websites, such as SugarDaddyMeet, have become a go-to platform for sugar daddies and sugar babies looking to connect and build relationships based on mutual interests.

As one of the most popular sugar daddy dating sites on the market, SugarDaddyMeet offers a safe and discreet environment for individuals seeking arrangements. The site boasts over 7 million members, with a majority of them residing in the United States, Canada, Australia, and the UK.

In this comprehensive review, we’ll dive into the details of SugarDaddyMeet to help you determine if it’s the right dating site for you. From the registration process to the search features and communication tools, we’ll cover all the important aspects of the site.

Whether you’re a seasoned sugar daddy or a sugar baby new to the scene, our review will provide you with valuable insights into SugarDaddyMeet’s features, pricing, safety measures, and overall user experience. So sit back, relax, and let’s explore SugarDaddyMeet in detail.

What Is SugarDaddyMeet?

SugarDaddyMeet is a popular online dating platform that connects wealthy and successful men with young and attractive women who are looking for financial support and a lavish lifestyle. The site is owned and operated by SuccessfulMatch, a company that specializes in niche dating websites. SuccessfulMatch was founded in 2001 and has since launched over a dozen dating sites catering to specific interests and demographics. Founded in 2007, SugarDaddyMeet has become one of the leading sugar dating websites in the world, with a vast user base of over 7 million members from different parts of the globe.

SugarDaddyMeet offers a variety of features to help users find compatible matches, including advanced search options and communication tools. Members can browse profiles, send messages, and even participate in forums and blogs related to the sugar dating lifestyle. SugarDaddyMeet also prioritizes safety and security by verifying profiles and offering tips on how to stay safe while using the site. Whether you’re a wealthy man looking for a beautiful companion or a young woman seeking financial support, SugarDaddyMeet may be the perfect platform for you.

How Does SugarDaddyMeet Work?

SugarDaddyMeet operates on a simple principle – creating mutually beneficial relationships between sugar daddies and sugar babies. To use SugarDaddyMeet, users must first create an account by signing up with their email address. Once signed up, users can create a profile by providing basic information about themselves, including their age, location, and interests. Users can also upload photos and write a short bio describing themselves and what they are looking for in a relationship. SugarDaddyMeet offers both free and paid membership options, with paid members having access to additional features like advanced search options and the ability to communicate freely with other members through the site’s messaging system. Overall, SugarDaddyMeet provides an easy-to-use platform for anyone interested in exploring sugar daddy relationships.

SugarDaddyMeet Sign Up

SugarDaddyMeet guideline

When signing up for SugarDaddyMeet, the account creation process is straightforward and simple. Before officially registering, users must agree to the platform’s guidelines, which help to use the site appropriately. Then, users can sign up for free and begin creating their profile immediately. The registration form requires basic information such as email, gender, and age, as well as location, etc. The site also asks for a brief self-introduction and a headline that represents the user. Additionally, users are asked to provide a paragraph about the match they are looking for on the site.

After filling out the registration form, users will be prompted to complete their profile. The profile completion process involves providing additional details about personal preferences and lifestyles. Users can upload photos and write a detailed description of their interests, hobbies, and aspirations. The more information provided, the more attractive the profile will be to potential matches.

SugarDaddyMeet encourages users to verify their profile by uploading a photo ID, adding an extra layer of security and trust for potential partners. This verification process adds an extra layer of security to the platform, preventing fake profiles and scammers. Upon successful verification, users can start browsing and interacting with other members. Profiles go through an approval process that usually takes about 1-12 hours, but may take up to 48 hours. Overall, SugarDaddyMeet sign-up process is quick and easy, with the profile completion step being crucial for finding the right match.

Dashboard and User Interface

SugarDaddyMeet interface

SugarDaddyMeet’s user interface is sleek, modern, and easy to navigate. Upon logging in, users are taken to their dashboard, where they can access all of the site’s features. The dashboard is divided into several sections, including Home, Discover, Community, My List, and Messages. The main navigation menu is located at the top of the page, allowing users to access their profile, search for matches, and adjust their account settings.

One of the standout features of the dashboard is the Lates Activity section, which provides a real-time feed of the site’s latest activity. This includes new members, updated profiles, and recent messages. This feature is especially useful for users who want to stay up-to-date on the latest activity on the site. In addition, users can easily find shortcuts to Connections, Unique Features, and SDM App Center on this interface.

Search and Filters

SugarDaddyMeet Search and Filters

SugarDaddyMeet provides a powerful search and filter system that allows users to quickly and easily find their ideal matches. With the site’s intuitive search function, users can search for other members based on a wide range of criteria. This includes basic details such as username, location, age range, and ethnicity, as well as more specific preferences such as interests, religion, and hobbies.

One of the standout features of the SugarDaddyMeet search system is the ability to search for premium and verified members. Premium members are those who have upgraded their membership to gain access to exclusive features and services. These members are often more serious about finding a partner and are therefore a popular choice for many Sugar Babies. Verified members, on the other hand, have undergone a thorough verification process to prove their identity, income, and other important details. This added level of security and trust is a major advantage for Sugar Babies seeking a safe and reliable Sugar Daddy.

In addition to the search function, SugarDaddyMeet also offers a range of filtering options. This allows users to narrow down their search results based on specific preferences and requirements. Users can filter results by age, location, relationship status, education level, income, and more. They can also sort their search results according to various parameters such as Activity Date, Newest Member, age, distance, and photo count. Moreover, Users also have the ability to save search criteria. This means that users can save their preferred search settings and quickly access them at a later time, saving time and effort in the long run.

Overall, SugarDaddyMeet’s search and filter system is one of the site’s major strengths. With a wide range of search criteria and filtering options, users can easily find other members who match their preferences and requirements. Whether seeking a serious relationship or a casual arrangement, the site’s search system provides a comprehensive and efficient way to find compatible partners.

Communication Features and Messaging System

SugarDaddyMeet Messaging

When it comes to online dating, communication is key. That’s why SugarDaddyMeet offers a variety of communication options and a robust messaging system to help members connect and interact with each other. From the moment users sign up, they can start browsing profiles and sending winks to express their interest in someone. Winks are a playful and subtle way of showing interest in another member without committing to a full message.

For those who want to take their conversations further, SugarDaddyMeet provides several options. Users can send private messages, initiate chat prompts, or join chat rooms. Chat prompts are pre-written messages that users can send to break the ice and start a conversation. They’re especially useful for those who aren’t sure what to say or are hesitant to start a conversation from scratch. Chat rooms, on the other hand, allow users to join ongoing discussions with other members who share similar interests. The messaging system is user-friendly, and users can easily access it from their dashboard. Members can also see when a message has been read or when a new message has arrived, making it easier to stay on top of conversations.

One of the standout features of SugarDaddyMeet’s messaging system is the ability to pin conversations to the top of the message list. This feature is especially helpful for those who have several ongoing conversations and want to keep track of important ones. Users can also choose from a variety of chat themes to customize the look and feel of their conversations.

SugarDaddyMeet’s Spark feature is a unique addition to the site’s communication tools. This is a roulette-style matching game that allows users to quickly and easily find potential matches based on their preferences and requirements. Users are presented with a photo and a brief profile of a potential match and can swipe right to like or left to pass. If two users “spark” each other, they’ll appear on each other’s Matches list.

Overall, SugarDaddyMeet’s communication features and messaging system are intuitive and easy to use. With a variety of options for initiating conversations and connecting with other members, users can quickly and effectively find potential matches and start meaningful conversations. The Spark feature adds an element of fun and excitement to the process, making it a unique and enjoyable experience for users.

SugarDaddyMeet App

While SugarDaddyMeet does not currently have an official iOS or Android app, its mobile version is highly optimized for use on smartphones and tablets. This ensures that users can access the site’s features and functionality from anywhere and at any time, making it easier to stay connected and engaged with their matches.

The mobile version of SugarDaddyMeet boasts a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate, providing a seamless user experience. The site’s search and filter options, messaging system, and other key features are all easily accessible from the mobile version, making it convenient for users to browse and connect with potential partners while on the go.

While the SDM dating app has been removed from the market due to policy reasons, SugarDaddyMeet’s mobile version continues to offer an excellent user experience. Users can access all of the site’s features, including the ability to browse profiles, send messages, and receive notifications, directly from their mobile devices.

Overall, SugarDaddyMeet’s mobile version is a reliable and convenient way for users to access the site’s features and functionality from anywhere, at any time. Its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with the site’s key features make it a great choice for busy individuals who want to stay connected with their matches while on the go.

SugarDaddyMeet Cost

SugarDaddyMeet offers both free and premium membership options, with the latter providing access to a range of exclusive features and benefits. There are different pricing plans available for sugar daddies and sugar babies, with discounts offered for longer-term subscriptions.

For Sugar Daddies, the premium membership plans are as follows:

  • 1 Month Premium: $50/month, $50 in total
  • 3-Month Premium: $30/month, $90 in total (40% off)
  • 6-Month Premium: $24/month, $144 in total (52% off)

For Sugar Babies, the premium membership plans are as follows:

  • 1 Month Premium: $35/month, $35 in total (30% off)
  • 3-Month Premium: $25/month, $75 in total (50% off)
  • 6-Month Premium: $20/month, $120 in total (60% off)
SugarDaddyMeet Cost

Premium membership unlocks various features and advantages, such as the ability to initiate conversations, send and receive messages, and view full-sized photos. Premium members can also browse anonymously, view who has liked their profile and prioritize their profiles in search results.

The payment options for premium membership are flexible, with several methods available such as credit card, and CCBill. New users can take advantage of SugarDaddyMeet free trial period before deciding to upgrade their membership. Additionally, SugarDaddyMeet often offers discounts and promotions, so it’s recommended to keep an eye out for these.

Overall, premium membership on SugarDaddyMeet offers a range of exclusive features and benefits that enhance the user experience and increase the chances of finding a suitable partner. Users can choose from flexible pricing options and payment methods, as well as potential cost-saving tips such as taking advantage of discounts and promotions.


  • Initiate sending unlimited messages
  • See who viewed your profile and who likes you
  • Unlimited rewinds, which allow you to undo swipes and likes
  • Customize your profile privacy settings
  • Use advanced search criteria
  • Unlimited likes and winks
  • Discover new members and browse by distance
  • Choose who sees your profile and photos
  • Change your username
  • Become a certified SugarDaddy™
  • View verified Sugar Babies
  • Pin your profile to the top of search results
  • See read receipts for your messages
  • Change chat themes and use the chatroom feature
  • Priority customer support


  • Create a profile and upload photos
  • Search for other members and browse their profiles
  • Add someone to favorites lis
  • Like photos or comments
  • Post Blogs
  • View limited profile information and photos
  • Send up to 50 winks per day
  • Reply to messages from premium members
  • Comment on forums, blogs, and profiles
  • Get verified
  • Live Customer Service Support

Pros and Cons of SugarDaddyMeet

As with any other sugar daddy website, SugarDaddyMeet has its advantages and disadvantages. In this section, we will explore both the strengths and limitations of the site, allowing you to make an informed decision about whether or not it is the right fit for your needs.


  • Large user base
  • Active community
  • High-quality profiles
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Flexible membership options
  • Comprehensive search criteria
  • Helpful 24/7 customer service


  • Limited availability in some areas
  • No LGBT arrangements allowed
  • No mobile app
  • Limited free membership
  • No voice or video message

Unique Features of SugarDaddyMeet

SugarDaddyMeet offers a range of unique features to enhance the user experience for both sugar daddies and sugar babies. Each feature provides a unique benefit and adds to the overall appeal of the platform for those seeking mutually beneficial relationships.

SugarDaddyMeet Unique Features

First-Date Ideas

This feature provides sugar daddies and sugar babies with creative and unique ideas for their first date. It can be accessed through the site or the app and offers suggestions based on the location and interests of the members.


Spark is a unique feature that allows members to quickly and easily browse through profiles and like or pass on them. If two members like each other, they will be notified and can start a conversation.

Certified Sugar Daddy / Verified Sugar Baby

These features are designed to ensure that members are genuine and serious about their search for a sugar relationship. Sugar daddies can become certified by providing proof of their income and identity, while sugar babies can become verified by submitting their photo ID.


The chatroom feature allows members to chat with each other in real time. This is a great way to get to know someone better before deciding to meet in person.

Members’ Events

SugarDaddyMeet hosts exclusive events for its members, including parties, trips, and dinners. These events provide members with the opportunity to meet and network with other like-minded individuals.

Match or Not

Match or Not is a fun feature where users can upload photos of themselves in their favorite outfits and receive feedback from other members. This can be helpful in making fashion decisions and boosting confidence.

SDM App Center

This feature offers a collection of innovative apps that can be used to enhance the sugar dating experience. These apps include the 2048 game, social media badges, members’ favorite quotes, etc.

Overall, SugarDaddyMeet’s unique features provide its members with a variety of options to enhance their sugar dating experience and increase their chances of finding a compatible match.

Safety and Security

SugarDaddyMeet prioritizes the safety and security of its users, taking several measures to ensure a safe and enjoyable online dating experience. Here are some of the measures taken by the site to protect user safety:

Profile Verification

SugarDaddyMeet offers a photo or selfie verification system that verifies user photos by ID. This helps to ensure that users are who they claim to be and reduces the likelihood of fake profiles.

Private photo/video

SugarDaddyMeet lets members upload photos and videos that are only visible to those they grant access to. This feature is particularly useful for members who want to share intimate or personal photos but don’t want them visible to everyone on the site. This feature provides an additional layer of privacy and security, ensuring that personal content is kept safe and only shared with trusted members.

Customizable Profile Privacy

Users can customize their profile privacy settings to hide their profiles from all members, hide from specific genders (sugar daddies or sugar babies), show only to members they liked or favorited, or show to their liked or favorited members or other premium members.

Customizable Activity Privacy

SugarDaddyMeet allows users to browse profiles anonymously and hide their last login date, online status, and activities from other members in the “latest activities” section.

Private Notes

The site has a private note feature that allows users to keep notes on other members to help them remember important details about their matches.

Report & Block Features

SugarDaddyMeet has report and block features that allow users to report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior and block members who they do not wish to interact with.

Discreet Payment

For added privacy, SugarDaddyMeet has made sure that the site’s name does not appear on your credit card statement. Instead, your payment will show up as *SuccessMatch, rather than anything that might indicate the use of a sugar daddy dating site. This helps to protect the privacy of users and avoid any potential embarrassment.


The site has a privacy feature that allows users to protect their personal information and choose who can view their profiles and contact them.

Overall, SugarDaddyMeet’s commitment to user safety and security is evident in the measures it has implemented. The site’s privacy settings and verification process provide peace of mind to users, making it a trusted and secure platform for finding sugar relationships.

Customer Support

SugarDaddyMeet offers several options for users to contact their customer support team, including email, phone, and live support . Users can submit their queries via the live support or call the customer support team directly during business hours. There is also an FAQ section available that covers common questions and issues that users may encounter.

The response time of the customer support team is generally quick and efficient, with most users receiving a response within 24 hours of submitting their query. SugarDaddyMeet’s customer support team is knowledgeable and well-trained to address any concerns or issues users may have.

Users have generally reported positive experiences with SugarDaddyMeet’s customer support, praising the team’s responsiveness and effectiveness in resolving their issues. Overall, SugarDaddyMeet provides excellent customer support to its users, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience on the site.

Final Verdict: Is SugarDaddyMeet Worth It?

After a comprehensive review of SugarDaddyMeet, we can confidently say that it is a great platform for those seeking mutually beneficial relationships. With its large user base, easy-to-use interface, and unique features such as First Date Ideas and Members’ Events, SugarDaddyMeet is a top choice in the sugar dating world.

Based on our analysis, we recommend SugarDaddyMeet for both sugar daddies and sugar babies who are serious about finding a mutually beneficial relationship. The platform caters to a diverse range of users, with members from all around the world, and offers a safe and secure environment for users to connect.

Overall, we give SugarDaddyMeet a high rating for its effectiveness, privacy and security measures, and customer support. However, like any online platform, there is always room for improvement. We suggest that SugarDaddyMeet continues to expand its features and offers more interactive options for users to engage with each other.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a safe and reliable platform to connect with potential sugar daddies or sugar babies, we highly recommend giving SugarDaddyMeet a try.

SugarDaddyMeet Review

  • Overall
  • User Quality
  • Popularity
  • Usability
  • Privacy & Safety
  • Customer Service
  • Value for Money

SugarDaddyMeet FAQ

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Walter Smith

Walter Smith is a dating coach specializing in sugar daddy relationships at With his expertise in the field, Walter provides personalized guidance to clients seeking to navigate the dynamics of sugar daddy dating. He understands the unique challenges and power dynamics that can come into play in these relationships, and he uses evidence-based practices to help his clients achieve their goals. Whether you're seeking to find the right sugar daddy or build a fulfilling arrangement, Walter's insights and support can help you navigate the complexities of sugar daddy dating with confidence.

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William Butler

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